ZOIA ? Anyone use one with MC6 or 8?

Does anyone here use MC6 or 8 with an Empress Zoia? I could use some tips for midi clock and expression control.

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I have an MC6 and use it with a Zoia. Haven’t done any midi clock but I have set up expression pedal through MC6 to control Zoia.

  1. Set Exp Message on MC6 to control a CC not already in use on the Zoia patch.
  2. On the Zoia add: Interface > Midi CC In
  3. Set midi channel to your Zoia midi channel, controller to the CC you specified on the MC6
  4. Hit done.
  5. Connect the Midi CC in node to whatever you’d like to control (VCA, LFO, gain, etc)

To verify it’s working, press the controller on your Zoia (ie; VCA level control) and move the exp pedal. You should see the value change on your Zoia screen.

Loads of possibilities from there. Use a out switch to switch between different controls so you can use the same midi in.


This is super helpful! Thanks