Does anyone here use MC6 or 8 with an Empress Zoia? I could use some tips for midi clock and expression control.
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I have an MC6 and use it with a Zoia. Haven’t done any midi clock but I have set up expression pedal through MC6 to control Zoia.
- Set Exp Message on MC6 to control a CC not already in use on the Zoia patch.
- On the Zoia add: Interface > Midi CC In
- Set midi channel to your Zoia midi channel, controller to the CC you specified on the MC6
- Hit done.
- Connect the Midi CC in node to whatever you’d like to control (VCA, LFO, gain, etc)
To verify it’s working, press the controller on your Zoia (ie; VCA level control) and move the exp pedal. You should see the value change on your Zoia screen.
Loads of possibilities from there. Use a out switch to switch between different controls so you can use the same midi in.
This is super helpful! Thanks