Who wants to pre-order MC8 Pro now?

Dear Morningstar,
Can I be the first one to pre-order, please?


Any more info or specs on the MC8 PRO?
Any ETA or price indication?
Bluetooth or wifi available?


Very interested in updated specs and release info

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No price yet but yes, there will be bluetooth to connect to your mobile/computer editor. You can also connect it to WIDI. The only issue with bluetooth is that MIDI Clock isn’t accurate - we might just remove this from the Bluetooth feature.


Does it have more than one DIN out?

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I’ll take a MC4 pro when they are ready!

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Hi James,

Any estimate or approximate time of arrival?

Brgs Kriig

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bluetooth midi clock not ‘functional’ or not ‘accurate’… if not accurate, what does that actually mean, technically ?

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:moneybag: :dollar: :money_with_wings: I demand that you take my money now! I don’t want to live in a world where the MC8 Pro is more than a month or two away!

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I’ve used MIDI clock from my laptop over a WIDI Master and it’s super jittery and unreliable. You can’t keep a steady tempo at all. I can’t imagine there’s much to be done here since the protocol is so chatty and BT has no guarantees about delivery timing.

I am in please morningstar


I would like to greet all of you here with one of my favourite songs called MORNING STAR

of course this is what i am waiting for

Any more info by chance?

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MC8 Pro confirmed (via Instagram DM) to be debuting at Winter NAMM and aiming to be available to purchase shortly after.


April is ‘shortly’ after ? 2 months for PCBs after NAMM and HW verification ?
Still looking for early testers ?

This is great news! Getting into MIDI and was planning on picking up an MC6 Pro. Probably wouldn’t be ready until Spring or early Summer.