Update PC scroll counter when sending a Program Change message

I have a workflow with my MC6 Pro where I have a bank configured so that each page lets me scroll through presets I have saved for a given midi pedal, using the PC scroll feature. This is part of my quest to reduce my reliance on a laptop when exploring new sounds - this set up allows me, in any song preset, to quickly try out different presets for each midi enabled pedal on my board.

However, if I want the PC scroll counter to start at the correct message, IE the one that is currently active, then any I select a new preset, I also need to allocate another message block to updating the scroll counter with an “update only” command. While this workaround gives me the desired behaviour, it doubles the number of actions I need to do when setting up patches that involve midi preset changes.

It would be awesome if either:

  • there was an option with the Program Change message to also update-only a specific scroll counter
  • there was an update-and-send option added to the scroll counter
  • or of course both :smiley:

You can add a Utility message to your switch preset that sends the PC message. You can then update your scroll counter to your desired value when you send the PC message. In the example below, you will send PC#7 while updating Scroll Counter 0 to value 7 as well.

Hi Brandon, yes this is what I am doing with my patches at the moment. The feature request is to make it possible to perform these two actions in a single command, because its a bit tedious to have to create two messages for every PC message change.

One solution could be to add an extra field to the PC (Program Change) message that replicates the function of the Change Value in Counter field. Or, maybe a scroll counter could be associated with a specific midi channel in the general settings menu so that PC messages sent in any patch automatically update the value of the scroll counter.

We’ll release a beta firmware this week to enhance the Program change capabilities. Basically, the controller will just track the last sent PC on each MIDI Channel. From there, you can just tell the controller to Increase/Decrease and send etc.

Will this work for your use case?

Oh that’s cool!

Using the counter also allows me to display the current value on one of the MC6 Pro’s screens - is there any way to display the current PC number as determined by these new options?