New guy here, hello! I’ve been helping a buddy of mine rebuild his pedalboard, and I’ve been struggling with Toggle Groups for the past hour. Turns out Toggle Groups don’t like Double Tap inputs.
We’d set up his first bank in the MC6 as his “Swiss Army knife” bank rather than being song/preset-focused, so we put his Walrus Audio EB-10 in Loop D of his ML5 assigned to a Press action on Preset F of Bank 1. I had the idea of making the EB-10 also available in Bank 2 in order to give him access to a few other pedals. Problem is, I couldn’t for the life of me get the Toggle Group setting to work for these two presets across these two banks for Loop D on the ML5. It was absolutely maddening. I eventually figured out that the MC6 wasn’t happy with a Double Tap action on a switch that was tied to presets with Toggle Mode active.
Preset F was set to Toggle Mode in both Banks 1 and 2 so he can turn the EB-10 on and off with single presses. Based on the control layout I did on the rest of Bank 1, I put the Double Tap on Preset F to switch to Bank 2, and the Toggle State just wouldn’t stick. I tried putting the presets from Bank 2 into Page 2 of Bank 1, but that didn’t solve it. Eventually I tried removing the Double Tap from any switches with Toggle Modes, and suddenly everything was working properly. Phew.
Not sure if Toggle Mode / Toggle Group stuff should be having this much trouble from Double Tap, but I thought I’d bring it to the attention of this board and the MorningStar dev team. Is this a previously known issue perchance??
Thanks in advance for any insights!
– Paulo