The Strong-Willed HX Stomp


I’m having some trouble getting the HX Stomp to hold onto MIDI Clock from the MC6II

I have a bank of presets that are just sending midi clock on Press, and then jumping to my “button” bank on Release.

It accepts the MIDI clock just fine, but the when I use any button on my button bank, the Stomp reverts it’s internal global tempo

Hi, welcome! In your Controller Settings, how’s this set for you?

MIDI Clock Persist
Ensures that MIDI clock sending is continuous and not interrupted by subsequent switch presses or expression pedal movement. If this setting is turned off, pressing a switch or moving a connected expression pedal will stop MIDI Clock being sent

So I have now switched that on, but now it doesn’t seem to be send midi clock at all

Have you tried restarting the MC after making that change? Also, you’re not still connected to the Mac/PC editor are you? Certain Functions Are Not Working

Yes I’ve disconnected from the editor and have given it the old “On/off special.” Still no dice.

Hmm. I’m sure it’s something simple but confess I’m not a clock expert by any means! Does this thread shed any answers maybe? Midi clock in to set MC6 tempo, but only MC6 clock out - doable? - #2 by mtumi

Else, I’m sure someone else that does exactly this with a Stomp will be along soon enough!

MIDI porting had gotten turned off somehow. Problem solved. Thanks kind stranger.

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