Source Audio C4, starting from square one

This adapter likely does not work as its not specified and Type A or Type B MIDI, and is likely wired for audio which is a completely different wiring. But you mentioned you got it working before? If so then maybe it is a Type B cable, since you had it working when the Omniport was set to Type B?

Perhaps best to troubleshoot with the 5PIN MIDI OUT port on the MC8 first. Next, you’ll need to determine if the microghost is sending out the MIDI messages out via the USB Host port when a MIDI message is received.

i had already tested from the 5pin midi out on the morningstar with a separate standard midi cable, to no avail. per disaster area support, the micro ghost’s led should blink when receiving midi, but it has not been. so it seems the issue is either with the midi that’s being sent from the morningstar or the ability of the micro ghost to receive midi

Have no experience with the micro ghost but the manual states that default setting (ie the ghost is on channel one, usb host enabled) is set when all the dip switches are down… I guess they are on yours?

If so then (assuming you haven’t changed the C4’s default midi mapping) sending CC #104 value 0 from the MC on midi channel one should reach the C4 and engage preset one on the C4. I guess the midi channel of the C4 doesn’t matter, but probably start with it being set to 1 and see if that works?

Ah! @dean815 - have you updated your MC to the VERY latest version… per this post? [New Release] Firmware v3.10.1 - #13 by james

I wonder if the default midi setting described here is causing your issue?

I’m on 3.10.1, yes. I did also notice that it seems I’m not receiving midi to my whammy on one of the other omniports

Hi guys! I’m trying to program an Ampero Control to work with the C4. This has to be done manually (as you are doing it here) because it doesn’t recognize SA’s C4 as one of the already made templates. I need to be able to take advantage of the 4 switches of the controller, by browsing (increments and decrements) the 128 presets on the C4, tap-tempo for the LFO’s, etc.
But, as I map the 106 and 107 CCs to increment and decrement, I get nothing. I have 4 modes on the switches: single, toggle, momentary and hold. I’m using single, then CC 106, value 127. This (in theory) should suffice to send an increment of “1” to the presets.
Now I came into a predicament: how to start from preset 0 and add 1 preset at a time, whenever I press the switch? or the same for decrements of 1. It’s complicated because the controller’s display gives me the number of the CC I sent i.e. 106 or 107, not the preset number, so I never know where am I according to the loaded presets on the C4.
Can anyone help me do this? it’s been a while since my MIDI days, and this is kind of confusing. Thank you in advance!

The C4 doesn’t work with regular Midi devices. SA wants you to buy a ‘Neuro Hub’. What we were discussing in this thread was the possibility of controlling the C4 with our MCs because it apparently does work with Desaster Area devices. But I haven’t had the time to test this yet.

Hi guys! Last night I received an email from David Haan from Source Audio and he said:
“Not really familiar with how that controller works. You would be better to contact them on how to program. However, I’m also pretty certain that it is unable to act as a usb midi host, so you would need to pick up a usb midi host device like the ones from disaster area, Kenton, or midiplus, or pick up a source audio neuro hub, or wait until our new midi adapter is available.”
Thus, it is possible to hook any MC with the C4 by any of the 2 ways: via USB if your MC is MIDI host, or thru a dedicated MIDI host.
Also, I know for a fact that the MIDIPLUS Host box and the DOREMIDI (H10/H20) can deliver. Both affordable. The DOREMIDI CS said this yesterday:
“I saw that the USB of the Source Audio C4 is class-compliant USB-MIDI,
so you can use the USB HOST port of the UMH-21 or UMH-10 to connect the Source Audio C4,
and the MIDI DIN to connect to the Ampero Control.”
Then, it can be easier to get the Disaster Area controller or the SA proprietary Neuro Hub, but there is also a lot of options if you don’t have an infinite budget, or if you’re like me and try to figure out everything.
This leaves mi with the question of the programming issue I’ve been having. I will keep learning and trying to find the answer.

Hi guys! I finally solved my C4 MIDI issues. It was simple once I got a clear idea. I programmed on switch one of the Ampero Control a recall for the first preset of the C4, so I can always go back to square 1! (Mode: SIngle, channel 1, CC 104, Data 0). On the second one the increase preset (Mode: SIngle, channel 1, CC 106, Data 0). On the third the decrease preset (Mode: SIngle, channel 1, CC 107, Data 0). And on the 4th switch a tap tempo (Mode: SIngle, channel 1, CC 93, Data 0). I’m also using the Source Audio Dual Expression Pedal, straight to the C4 via the Control Input jack. As simple as that. I hope anyone can use this info. Enjoy!

Worth noting at this point that the neuro hub is no longer required, since Source Audio has released a MIDI adapter.

That said, I’m still having issues with it. :-/

MC6 Pro host direct to the C4 seems to work well, eliminating the need for a separate host MIDI box.

Unfortunately for me, I need that port for something else.

OK. I had my C4 control breakthrough at last, funnily enough thanks to having made this post. When I went to the site, I noticed they have a TRRS cable. As soon as I made sure I have 3.5 TRRS (rather than 3.5 TRS) on both sides of the MIDI adapter, it started working reliably.

In my case, the MIDI path is a bit convoluted - from MC6 pro USB host out > HX stomp USB in / DIN out > BOSS RC-10R TRS in / out > SY-200 TRS in / TRRS out > MIDI adapter > C4, but it does seem to work reliably at last (knock on wood).

Worth noting that I DID try MC 6 PRO TRS out > adapter > C4, with no luck (using a TRS cable, not the TRSS). Trying the same thing with the TRRS cable DOES seems to work. So it’s the cable not the connection, which seems like the rule rather than the exception, as most of my most irritating MIDI issues have been resolved by finding the exact right cable.

Hope this saves someone else the better part of a weekend. :slight_smile:



opportunity has come along to buy a used Morningstar MC6 pro from bandmate…

Can anyone kindly confirm:

  1. will I need the Source Audio dongle for C4 and UW pedals? Reference vids seem to show the MC6 plugging direct into pedals in chain

  2. can I control both above 2 SA pedals and Ableton midi mapping? Again, vids seem to indicate this is possible

  3. Do I need a SA Neuro Hub? (to achieve 2. above)


It is not possible at present to plug directly the MC* intro SA pedals.

The small Source Audio Midi Adapter works fine, and it does not need a
power source. However, for 2 SA pedals, you would need 2 Adapters, which
is a bit pricey for what it does. Note that there is a Midi Thru on the Adapter,
but this cannot be used to control a second SA pedal, unless you plug it also
into a second Adapter. So getting the Neuro Hub seems a better option (it has
5 outputs and will cost less than 2 Adapters).

I don’t know what you want to do exactly with Ableton, but MC* can control
up to 16 devices, so no problem here.

So, dumb question, but I wanted to clarify before I spend too much for the Source Audio midi adapter cable for my Atlas compressor :roll_eyes:

So, for my Chase Bliss pedals, I’m able to use the Morningstar Midibox to send midi messages to my CB pedals, as long as I open up the midibox and move the chip/wiring around to match the CB cabling standard.

JUST to make sure before I drop 50 bucks, there isn’t a way to rewire the midibox to talk to my Source audio pedal???

Hi… the limiting factor with the SA pedals is their midi input - it’s a TRRS socket, which is atypical.

So you either need the midi adaptor cable OR the source audio hub. If you’ve got or plan to have more than 1 SA pedal, the hub’s the way to go I think.

EDIT: saying that, though, if you’re using a Pro you can probably control the Atlas via USB

Hi! Is there a way to (adjut and then) save a midi preset (it’s connected to my MC6pro) on the C4 without going into the Neuro App? thanks

Not really. You can definitely only save presets on the C4 via the Neuro mobile / desktop apps.

That said, what you can do is map pretty much any C4 function to a CC in Neuro and then access those from the MC. For example, I have a preset where a Long Press sends a CC to activate Voice 2 to add eg octave below my filter or whatever. Really, the same as having two presets on the C4, but only using one slot

thanks, I was hoping to be able to tweak the volume or mix of a preset and save it without the neuro app, which would be useful during band practice.

One of the nice things about the Neuro Hub is it can capture a snapshot of the current settings of all 5 Source Audio pedals hooked up to it (Save Scene) and makes that accessible to be called back up (Recall) as a Hub preset (distinct from presets on the individual pedals).

I have the Neuro Hub and 5 Source Audio pedals on my board and its really nice to tweak knobs for settings on multiple individual pedals and create an up to 5 pedal preset without having to touch the computer at all.

Aye that’s true… my Hub is slung under my board but yes, if accessible using a Hub and saving scenes works well!