Single Stomp, Three Options

I am wanting to program my MC6 Pro to change my Strymon el Capistan midi clock tempo division. Ideally I’d be able to assign one stomp to scroll thru a half speed, 1:1 and X2. Would that be possible? If so, how might someone recommend I get there?

Hi! Would this work for you? Preset Message Scroll (scroll through messages within a preset) | Morningstar Engineering Helpdesk

Failing that: Preset Shifting | Morningstar Engineering Helpdesk

That is perfect! Let me run this by you… Could I scroll thru Morningstar presets on the same bank but a different page? I’d basically like to have my first page be were I operate from and have my first switch scroll thru 3 elaborate delay presets I have programmed on a later page. Then have my next switch scroll thru 3 reverb setting on a later page, so forth and so on.

I think so, though never tried it. It would be something like scrolling through message which in turn trigger presets and/or messages. Have a read of “engage preset”: Message Type List

Yep, you can use “Engage Preset” and just call actions from other presets. Another possible route is to use “Trigger Messages”: Message Type List