Shifted Preset returns to position 1 instead of its initial position: position 2

Just got my MC6 Pro so I guess I’m missing something.
Here’s the preset:
preset_A_data.json (3.2 KB)
What I’m trying to achieve:
Controlling the CBA MOOD MKII and using the same switch to engage/dis-engange the wet-side with as well as engage/dis-engage freeze for the wet side.

The preset A is in toggle mode and I have 5 messages set up for it:

  1. on Release dis-engage Mood-Wet side - Pos: 1
  2. on Release engage Mood-Wet side - Pos: 2
  3. on Long Press Set Toggle: Shift for A - Pos: 2 (but I also tried “both”)
  4. on Long Press engage Freeze for Mood-Wet side - Pos: 2
  5. on Press dis-engage Freeze for Mood-Wet side - Pos: Shift (I also tried on Release here)

What happens is:

  • when I press and release the switch once the wet-side is engaged on Mood and the MC6Pro displays the position 2 name for the switch
  • when I then long press the corresponding freeze function is engaged on Mood and the preset name on the MC6Pro changes to shift name
  • when I then press and release again the freeze function on Mood is dis-engaged with the wet-side still engaged (as desired), but the preset’s name reverts to position 1

I would expect the MC6Pro to display the preset A position 2 name at this point, because in the manual it is stated:

When the Preset position is in Shift, it will only engage messages which position is in Pos: Shift. After which it will return back to its initial toggle position (i.e. Pos1 or Pos2)

So at this point the Mood and MC6Pro are out of sync. What is the problem here and how can I remedy this?

‘toggle mode’ is triggered by any action.
Your ‘long press’ messages toggle the preset when shifting.
Disable ‘toggle mode’ and add a message with ‘release’ + ‘toggle preset’ + ‘pos both’ as last message of your preset. That should solve the issue.


Hellyea! Thank you! That did that trick. Damn, it’s amazing. I’m still only tickeling what this controller can do.