I’m planning to get a Pedlnetics ‘MC6Pro FrontAux 3’ switch set, which can be configured with standard switches or ladder resistor switches. Reading through the forum, it sounds like the ladder switches can be a bit glitchy, and POSSIBLY create issues. (I’m referring to the user who noticed whining from his pedals when using a ladder switch.)
I think I’ll be fine with the limit of three switches per omniport, but I do like to keep my options open. Are my reservations about the ladder switches valid?
Best hear it from others but I’ll just add my input. Regarding the whining noise from the pedals, it’s not possible that the switch is causing it. It’s likely related to a ground loop in the set up (probably MC is connected to the computer via USB and there is one of those TRS MIDI devices without the opto-isolator). I believe we’ve resolved all the resistor ladder issues that users are facing though - the last one was related to soldering issues IIRC.
Hello aenlic,
I built a five switch resistor ladder aux pedal, and I run it from a single omniport without issue. Accurate. Instantaneous. I hope that helps.
Thanks @james and @Thevenin. So the ladder resistor switches perform as well as or better than the ‘legacy’ switches? One user posted experience with fluctuating results from the calibration tool/screen… is that an issue of concern? I’m a software engineer, but total noob WRT hardware components.
That is correct as long as they are wired correctly, configured properly in the editor, and the system isn’t experiencing any bugs. The switches used in the MC6 Pro are SPST momentary switches and can be purchased through the Morningstar website to match your MIDI controller switch type. That’s what I did for my aux, and it looks awesome
Thanks, @Thevenin. Not being a hardware hacker, I’ll just purchase the Pedalnetics ‘three-in-front’ switch set for the MC6 Pro. They seem like a great builder… check out their ‘wraparound’ 8-switch set for the MC6 Pro:
Those products are soooo cool! What a great niche to fill! Post some pics when Mission Control is built, please?
Glad to share the find, @moley6knipe. My needs are simpler than the ‘CommandCenter…’ that one is just a great example of this builder’s ingenuity. I’m just getting the set of three switches in front, that are angled forward. Again, an ingenious way of adding switches that take up not much space, but are in this case separated from the top switches by the angle.
First step, though, is for my new MC6 Pro to arrive!