Presets not going where they should [ SOLVED ]

I just downloaded and installed the latest firmware. Im on the new editor and when I edit say Preset E on Bank 2 and hit Save it overwrites and saves it to Preset E on Bank 1. I thought I was crazy at first but it keeps doing it.

I would also like to add that I use a custom bank setup with only 10 banks at the moment. I did revert back to 3.8.7 for now as I dont have time to deal with it right now.

There was a small bug last week regarding saving presets in custom mode, sounds like a leftover of that. I’m sure @james will be around to check it out.

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Thats good to know. Atleast I know Im not crazy,lol. James is the best and is always on it. Im sure even he needs to eat and sleep , Sometimes I wonder if he does though.

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In the meantime, here’s a work-around that worked for me.

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Oh no, I thought I’ve fixed that. But yes if you are having that issue, then its probably due to the custom bank sequence being turned on. Just turn it off while editing and it should be ok.

This is for which device MC3/MC6 or MC8?

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@james this is for the MC6. Thanks for the tip I will give it a try.

@Quasar @james . Gave it a try. Works great when you disable / save the custom bank. Not a big deal . just disable / save and do what you gotta do then re enable / save when your done.

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thanks for the update. I tried to fix this, but I think there are more complications with regards to swapping or copy/pasting presets when in custom bank sequence mode. I might change the setup to custom bank sequence disabled when in editor mode, and only re-enabled when you exit editor mode.