New User can not get Chrome or Desktop Stand alone editor to work USB cable

Just received MC6 Pro and had some success with Android but nothing with windows 11 connected via USB cable. Error “No serial port connected” trying different cables and ports. Had some success early on with Widi. HELP! Must be something with Chrome extensions or? Try so many things now with trying to get BLE to work and WIDI everything is a mess.

Hi, welcome! Try a different USB cable? Direct connection between PC and MC is best - some usb hubs can cause issues. In chrome, try clearing cookies and cache. Failing that, might be worth trying Brave browser, that works with MC too

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Thanks @moley6knipe Excellent idea. I installed Brave and have the same issues. I use a usb cable (tried several good ones), and I get a timeout after the app loads but I can see it did load the one thing I put on the MC6 in manual editor mode. App is locked up except for page unresponsive.

also notice brave is using chrome.dll

Hmm! That’s odd, never seen that? You’ve definitely allowed MIDI connections in the browser, I guess?

Failing that if possible I’d do a factory reset…

Also worth trying: with the editor URL open, put chrome in dev mode by pressing F12 and right click refresh icon, selecting “hard reset” or whatever it’s called (last option on the list). Should be the same as clearing cache via settings but sometimes not so with Chrome in my experience!

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No Joy. I did try my android phone again and editor works great with Widi Jack to android MIDI + BTLE

I tried the WIDI jack to the pc and MIDIBerry connects to the pedal and sees commands but the editor can not. The editor changes the status of the WIDI bluetooth to connected when it is launched but does not show as a device.

Don’t know then… any thoughts please @james ?

Can you try uninstall the hardware under Device Manager and then reconnect the controller?
More info here: Editor not detecting device | Morningstar Engineering Helpdesk

Just to confirm, are you connecting it directly to the computer, or via a USB hub?

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The editor is working now as long as I use WIDI Bud PRO and have no other midi applications open on the PC. I will check the USB soon. Thanks

p.s. If I have mobilesheets open (midi 9 i/o), editor will not connect.

I can not get a serial cable plugged into the side of my Windows laptop to work. I’m giving up because the WIDIJack,-.WiDI Bud Pro combo works… well most of the time. make take a controller power off, or a usb unplug replug but acceptable.

Thanks for the help @James and @moley6knipe