Hi @james , I’m having an issue since I updated to the new editor, I can’t connect to the MC6 Pro & the ML10X at the same time. If I connect to one then the other can’t be connected to.
I can connect to both individually but then the other one isn’t an option afterwards.
I just tested this (on macOS) and didn’t face any issues. Is this on Windows or macOS?
There is an issue (or just a behaviour) on Windows where you can’t connect to the same device (i.e. 2 MC8s or 4 ML10Xs) at the same time, but MC6PRO and ML10X should be fine.
The above behaviours is the reason why we added the “Serial” connection option as well, so you can can connect to multiple devices of the same make. Can you try that and let me know if you face any issues?
It’s Windows 11. I’m away for work for a few days but will try on Friday, thanks.
I’ve never had this issue before updating the app. Was connecting both devices without issue. It can see them, but when you try and connect to the 2nd device what looks like a script runs too quickly to see and then nothing happens. Both devices connecting absolutely fine independently.
Was this ever resolved? If so, how? I also run Windows 11 and just tried plugging in an MC6 Pro and ML10x. The editor would only let me edit the MC6 until I unplugged it; then I could edit the ML10x.
You should be able to edit both devices at the same time. Just to clarify, both device appear in the MC / ML10X editor when both are connected, but you can only connect to either/or and not both at the same time?
One thing you can try is use the MC6 PRO as an interface for the ML10X.
Connect the MC6 PRO Host port to the ML10X USB port
In the MC6 PRO MIDI Thru settings, enable USB Device/USB Host and USB Host/USB device
When you open the ML10X editor, click on Connect under the MC6 PRO. The MC6 PRO should pass the messages through to the ML10X to allow you to connect the ML10X to the editor through the MC6 PRO.
I figured it out. For some reason it wasn’t liking one of my usb ports on the computer. I stuck them both through a usb hub and that into my usb 3.0 port, and everything worked.