Multiple Stereo Input & Output on ML10X

Hey Morningstar Team,

I am using a ML10x along with a MC6 Pro and have been really dig it so far. I recently picked up a GFI Duophony had have been looking for ways to incorporate its blending features with my ML10X.

I am trying to figure out a way to have two separate stereo inputs and outputs in “Advanced Mode”. Essentially, I would like to use the existing IN & OUT for one loop and then be able to use SEND A and RTRN A as a second loop. This would allow me to feed IN and OUT into Loop X and SEND A and RTRN A into Loop Y. The goal is to allow flexibility with blending my remaining 4 ML10X loops.

Let me me know your thoughts here!



I am exactly in the same boat here!

I have recently re-routed my pedalboard, and I wanted to do exactly the same: have my two stereo loops of GFI Duophony integrated into the ML10X, so that I could route different pedals connected to ML10X via these two loops.

The setup I tried is as follows:

My signal comes into the GFI Duophony in stereo.

From there the SEND of Duophony’s Loop X (in stereo) comes into the INPUT of the ML10X. The Output of ML10X goes to the RETURN of Duophony’s Loop X.

The SEND of Duophony’s Loop Y goes in stereo to the RETURN of ML10X’ Loop A. The SEND of this loop is unused, there are no cables plugged into it.

Then I used the SEND of the Loop D of ML10X to send the signal to the RETURN of Duophony’s LOOP Y. Respectively, the Return of ML10X’ Loop D is unused, there’s nothing plugged into it.

Remaining 3 loops of ML10 X are used as normal, sending stereo signal out to the inputs of respective pedals, and receiving back the signal from such pedals’ outputs back into their returns.

Now, this is where the tricky part starts. I am using Input and Output of ML10X as “endpoints” of one route, and then use the Return of Loop A and Send of Loop D of ML10X as “endpoints” of anouther route.

Here’s how this thing looks in the Editor (Advanced mode of course )))

Question to MS staff: is this something that you think can be done with ML10X? Leaving some sends and returns “hanging”?

Because it kind of works, but with a few issues.

What you want can be done it will just take up 4 of your ML10X loops. Something like this.

A Send Duophony In L
A Return Duophony Fx Send L

B Send Duophony Fx Return L
B Return Duophony Out L

C Send Duophony In R
C Return Duophony Fx Send R

D Send Duophony Fx Return R
D Return Duophony Out R

Then you just create a parallel path with A & B being left, putting the effects you want blended between A & B. Similarly, you do the same with C & D with a parallel path to the previous for your right side.

Something like this would be my recommendation. Then you can put as many pedals as you like between the front and rear of the Duophony and blend them. This is just a simple chain with an example.

Hi, thanks for the prompt reply.

However, I am a bit confused.

  1. The way I read your post, each ML10X loop is used in Mono, is it correct? If so - why? Can I use Tip and Ring separately?

  2. In your sample preset the signal goes into the Input of the ML10X, and then from one of the ML10X loops into the input of the Duophony. Then, from one of the Duophony Loop sends, it comes back into the return of this ML10X loop. Seems like I am “wasting” my Duophony mixing capabilities, or am I? The Duophony already splits the signal internally from its Input to both Loop X and Loop Y sends.

What are the benefits of using the ML10X loop to send the “DRY” signal from its unput to the Input of the Duophony, and immediately returning it from the duophony back to one of ML10X loops? I don’t have a goal to be able to exclude the Duophony from the signal path - therefore, I will never need to break the connection between the ML10X Input and the Duophony Input.

In other words, your example tries to patch the Duophony into the signal path of the ML10X.

My idea was slightly different: to patch ML10X as two separate “sub-chains” into the Duophony’s routing schemes.

@jboles I am aware of the existing functionality within the ML10X and know that I can split my mono signal into two individual mono paths. The GFI Duophony is a stereo mixer and allows you to mix two stereo pedals. My goal here is to have the flexibility with the ML10X to mix 4 different stereo pedals in any combination, hence the request above.

@james I am specifically looking for the ability to split another loop (ML10X loop A) into a second stereo input and output in Advanced Mode. I am not sure if there are hardware limitations that would allow the ML10X from support two independent loops in advanced mode. I would love to hear your thoughts here!



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Not sure if I misunderstood, but you can already use any send/return port as an input or output. A Return port is basically an input into the ML10X, and a Send is an Output.

Is what you’re looking for, the ability to select 2 of 4 stereo pedals to route into the Duophony to blend the signals?

Hi, James! I am not the person you answered, but it looks like we’re pretty much in the same boat )

What I am trying to do is the following:

  1. GFI Duophony is a great device, except for one thing: in its “Series” mode (Input->Loop X->Loop Y-> Output) it can only have one order of the loops: X into Y. Not the other way around, I can’t make it Y into X.

  2. What I wanted to achieve is make ML10X do the job of fixing this drawback of the Duophony by swapping pedals between the two Duophony loops.

  3. The way I have it set up is as follows: my signal comes into the Input of the Duophony. Then the Send of Duophony’s X loop goes to the ML10X Input, and the Send of the Duophony’s Y loop goes to the Return of ML10X Loop A. The Send of ML10X Loop A is empty.

Loops B, C and D of ML10X are used “as normal” - i.e. they send the signal to different pedals, and receive it back.

Finally, the Output of ML10X goes to the Return of Duophony’s Loop X, and Send of the ML10X Loop E goes to the return of Duophony’s Loop Y. The return of the Loop E is empty.

I though (I might be wrong), that this is what I needed to do - to “sacrifice” two ML10X loops to become patching points into one of the two Duophony’s loops.

So I tried to kind of create “two separate stereo in-out routes” in ML10x, one route being Input-Output, and the other being LoopA Return - Loop E Send.

Now, it kinda works, half-way )))

  • if the Duophony is set to Parallel loops mode, everything works as expected: if I create a patch in ML10X, and connect “Normal” loops of ML10X to whichever “inner stereo route”. And I can get the expected blend of the two pedals at the Duophony Output.

  • however, if the Duophony is set to the Series mode, I am having a problem: in the mix, I can only hear pedals that are “integrated” into the ML10X “Input-Output” route. Any pedals that I try to integrate into the “Loop A Return - Loop E Send” route are not passed on to the Duophony…

If this whole long-read thing is impossible to understand - let me know, I will try to attach some illustrations.