Hello there! I ran into an odd issue last night that I was hoping to diagnose. Most shows the band I play in there is absolutely no issue, but I’ve noticed that in certain venues where stage volume is crazy loud (say a festival or something) that my wah pedal will begin to turn on mid song, almost like the vibrations from the stage are rattling my pedal like 1-2% out of heel. Is there a way to make it so the wah pedal stays in bypass until you reach say ~ 10% of the pedal out of heel? I’m not really sure how else I could do it unless maybe I use a bypass all together from a committed button? It’s really hard when I set the expression pedal to a whammy effect and I start to sound a few cents out of tune. Really hard to deal with mid performance. I basically just deleted the wah from my chain until I needed it for the few songs.
Current setup:
QC > Midi out into Morningstar MC8 > Lehle expression pedal for wah. I used to have the SP-1 and same issue. But I really like this Lehle
Wah setup:
Bad Horse
Both Wah and Bypass are assigned to Expression 1
- Bypass is set on Switch-On Heel-Toe
- Lehle is tightened as much as it can be
Second pedal = Volume which is assigned to Expression 2
Hi! Have you tried doing a fresh recalibration of the expression pedal on the MC? And maybe try different sensitivity settings?
I wasn’t aware there were different sensitivity settings on the MC series, I can definitely try a recalibration though.
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Also, the MC series requires these specs for an expression (from the manual)…
The MC6 works only with TRS expression pedals. Expression pedals fitted with 10k ohm linear potentiometers give the most accurate and smoothest response, though 10k - 25k ohm linear potentiometers will work too. The potentiometer wiper should be connected to the Tip of the stereo cable, while the Ring and Sleeve should be connected to the outer lugs on the potentiometer.
Yea, the 10k Lehle has worked great, I was hoping there might be a workaround I could do on the morningstar MC8 to get around the fact the quad cortex’s Heel-toe bypass seems to turn off at the first sign of input from the pedal.
Ah, right… I see! The MC’s expression presets support (I think!) “on engage” i.e. send something when the MC first detects pedal movement. Doubtless there’s a lag between movement and sending what’s programmed, but might be worth trying that if you can disable the function on the Lehle?
Honestly I think recalibrating the pedal will be perfect for me. I can set the ‘heel’ 0% at a much higher level
I appreciate the sensitivity suggestion
Yeah, sounds like the simplest solution with minimal changes! The MC is really good for managing expression stuff. I’m a bass player so I don’t really use it that much!