More icons available in the editor's Icon Library than work?

I see many helpful icons in the online editor’s Icon Library. But most of them don’t seem to work. If I use “\n”,“\T” or “\V” I only get the letter displayed without the dash, but no symbol. How do I know which Icons work and which don’t?

Editing a MC6 Pro running 2024-07-12_MC6_PRO_Firmware_v_3_12_13A_No_USB_Keyboard

Sorry, that feature got pushed to the editor before the official release.

It’s for the beta firmware: MC6 PRO v3.13 Beta Firmware - #11 by Phopper

I see. Well, then I’m really looking forward to the next update.

This threw me yesterday as well i.e. I went to update my MC6 Pro with some fancy new icons only to discover the new ones don’t work with my current firmware.

@james, does the beta you’ve linked to have the screen bug fix?