ML10X seems to allow my (mono) audio signal to bypass the specified path

I’ve got a mix of stereo (4) and mono (2) pedals that I’m using with my ML10X. I’m getting a weird behavior with my two mono pedals.

I’ve connected my two mono pedals, Squish As and Chase Bliss Blooper, to D Tip and D Ring, respectively, using two TRS-to-two-TS Y cables, per this link in the ML10X FAQ.

This configuration (with just one of the two mono pedals, Blooper) works just fine:


But, weirdly, when I add in the other mono pedal (Squish As), not only does the pre-Mood output get routed through my Mood pedal (as per the diagram below), but, unfortunately, the pre-Mood output appears to also go directly to the (final) Output – despite my not having set that up as an explicit path.

I can tell this because my Mood pedal has a wet/dry knob that works fine in the first configuration (no Squish As), but lets the full dry signal through in the second configuration (with Squish As), even when I dial the dry signal completely off.

One other clue (that I’m not sure what to make of): I can get feedback in the second configuration (with Squish As), but not with the first (no Squish As). I don’t understand why this happens, as I don’t think I have any of the sort of double paths that Morningstar warns about in their ML10X manual.

Here are the controller settings for Port D:

I’m at a loss as to what next steps to take to troubleshoot this. Any ideas/suggestions?

More experimenting: I’m able to replicate this problem with mono-only signal chains. (So the issue isn’t anything to do with stereo splitting and merging.) In particular, I get feedback (the Mood’s output being fed back in as its input) and a dry signal “pass-through” when I have BOTH mono pedals in the chain. But not if it’s only one or the other.

This works fine (Squish As only, before Mood):

As does this (Blooper only, after Mood):

But this one (BOTH Squish As and Blooper) has problems:

I did try wiring up the three paths above directly (with TS cables and no ML10X), and they all work fine. So the issue seems to have something to do with how Y cables and the ML10X are interacting.

Edit: I also tried switching around the two mono pedals. Here’s BOTH Squish As and Blooper, but with their order reversed. Same issue:

Further Edit: Just to make sure, I tried all this in Simple Mode. When I disable either Squish As OR Blooper from a chain that includes both, it’s fine. But with both active, problems.

Spill over is enabled. Could this be the source of the issue?

Have you definitely got the correct loops being bypassed? Having both the ML10X and Morningstar MC windows open and connected on the computer can sometimes result in visual updates between the two with names etc. entered in the ML10X window.

The only other suggestion would be to do a factory reset on the ML10X (post backup).

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The Spillover setting for each loop would only affect the ML10X in Simple mode.

Just to troubleshoot, can you try changing the loop that the Mood or Blooper or Squish-As is connected to and see if the issue persists? Just to rule out a hardware issue with a specific loop.

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Thanks, @james & @Hawkins76. I tried all your suggestions, to no avail. But, I just got some couplers that I could use with an additional set of (very short) y-cables I had, to swap them in and to see if one of the y-cables was the problem.

Turns out that one of my Runway Audio Y-cables is bad! (Which I verified with a multi-meter: both Tip and Sleeve connect to both ends of the Y.) I’ll ask them to provide a replacement, which I’m sure they’ll do.

Thanks again!