hi there, I’m interested in reorder-able loops on my pedalboard so looking at the ML10x. Possibly silly question but I use a couple pedals with their own fx loops, it seems like I should easily be able to also send/return a pedals fx loop as its own loop in the ML10x & be able to put any of its other loops in any order & serial/parallel within that fx loop, loop, right?
for example, say i had two pedals with their own fx loops and i looped it all up, so 2 loops for the pedals themselves then 2 loops for the fx loops of those pedals…. leaving 6 other ML10X loops for any other pedals…. with which i could potentially run the 2 fx loops pedals in parallel, and within the loops for their fx loops, switch in any combo of the 6 other ML10x loops in any order or routing configuration within those fx loop, loops right? mouthful…
anybody using ML10x’s for a setup like this? anything to know, any gotchas?
current understanding is ML10X has no volume control or mixing per loop?, so I’m assuming you may need to be creating loops for or with volume or boost pedals to have a bit more dynamic control over levels right? i guess my “fx loop” loops, could have a vol control pedal within them as well.