I’ve been using the MC6 Pro for a while now (it’s great!) and have an ML10x on order due to arrive in the next few days. I’ve been playing about in the editors in preparation and noticed that while I can name the loops on the ML10x Editor I can’t on the MC6 Pro editor.
For example in the attached screenshot it would be nice to be able to globally name the loops if I’m using the MC6 Pro to send messages to the ML10x in Simple mode. Hope that makes sense.
You can’t name the loops in the MC6 PRO editor but if you have both the MC6 PRO and ML10X connected in different tabs in the same browser, the names will be synced from the ML10X editor to the MC6P editor
Was looking for a post on this topic and found this one. When I have both my ml10x and mc6pro connected and open in the editor in two tabs the loop names do not synchronize in the mc6pro editor. Any advice?
This issue ended up being at the root of a problem I had about a week ago where I thought the ml10x wasn’t following the chain in my presets, until I realized that the labels were now different in the two editors