MIDI Editor - Custom arrangement problems

Hi there,

I tried to create a custom arrangement for every profile of my MC6 PRO. But if I do so for one of the profiles, it changes the arrangements of the other profiles.
Then I tried to create a setlist via Setlist Editor (online), saved it, uploaded it to the MIDI editor. Now two more problems occur.

  1. The color coding is erased
  2. The MIDI Editor is frozen (“Loading … Updating data …”)

Can anyone help?

The custom bank arrangement feature is a global setting. There exists only one arrangement in the controller, while there are 8 profiles. So the same arrangement will be used across profiles.

Profiles just loads different bank and preset settings, but the global settings remain the same (perhaps we should enhance this).

Regarding the other problems,

  1. What color coding are you referring to? The MIDI channel color coding? These are stored locally in the browser and can be exported to a file and re-uploaded. If you clear the cache or have any other plugins that clears the browser cache, then these will be erased.
  2. Try refreshing the page or closing the browser

Hi James,
thanks for your quick answer!

That’s a pity that the custom bank arrangement works only global for all profiles! So it has no use for me. I created a profile for every of my three bands. And I don’t want to change/create it new every time I change the band.

Color coding: I refer to the display colors of the MC6 PRO. If I upload the Setlist (I created with the Setlist Manager) to the MIDI Editor, there are no colors (Background, Stripes).

I tried to upload my setlist again. Now it works (no freeze), but without the display colors (perhaps the setlist manager is older than the MC6 PRO?). When I set the colors new, it works for me. Perhaps in future it would be possible, seperate for every profile, to do it with the MIDI Editor Custom Arrangement.

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Sounds like a bug. Let me check this out.

I agree, that perhaps that some of the global settings should be made profile-wise. We’ll look into it.


Hi James, I’m curious! :sunglasses:

I just tested loading a file saved from the setlist manager, and the preset color settings are still present.

Can you share with me your the backup file you have here, so I can take a look?

Are you accessing the editor via this URL?

I deleted the unusable backup file. But I created a new one for you …
Unfortunately the file ist too big (8MB) to upload here. Is there another possibility to send you the file?

Yes, I used this URL on Chrome (latest update).

While testing today, I discovered a bug related to the backup feature, where if a MIDI message is corrupted during transport, the retry function does not work correctly. This leads to data for some presets getting dropped. I’ll get this fixed ASAP and then look into the LED issue.

EDIT: Sorry false alarm (with regards to the backup issue). I think there was something going on with either my computer or controller earlier, can’t replicate the issue now. Will confirm next week.

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It was a bug in the Setlist manager. Can you use the beta editor? We’ve pushed the fixes there:https://editor-beta.morningstar.io/

The Setlist Editor works fine, downloading too.
Uploading to the MIDI Editor works fine.

BUT: The colors I set for some presets is still missing.
And sometimes bank jumping doesn’t work on the MIDI Editor BETA.

Thanks for the update. Can you email us your backup file to help@morningstarfx.com?

Hi James, I just sent you the backup file …