I’m slowly figuring out this MIDI world and have run into a possible problem: I love the idea of MIDI clock to the Timeline and H90, however I don’t want MIDI clock to be sent to Ventris or Polymoon.
Is there a way to keep those pedals from seeing midi clock?
Maybe I’m looking at the problem from the wrong perspective.
Hi, it is not possible to send midi clock only on specific midi channels. However, it is possible to disable the midi clock for specific outputs of the MC (5 pin and omniports). You can find this option in ‘controller settings’
I guess you’ve got the Ventris connected in a chain of 5 pin DIN cables with the Timeline and H90?
If it’s like other SA pedals, the Ventris will only respond to MIDI clock “… if the currently selected pedal preset has “Sync to MIDI Clock,” or “Tap Tempo” enabled”
So an option here might be to use 5 pin DIN to chain Timeline, H90 and Ventris (enable MIDI clock for the 5 pin DIN output and disable it in the Ventris presets in Neuro editor) and then connect a 1/4” TRS jack from one of the omniports on the MC and into the Polymoon (and set that omniport NOT to send clock, per @GuitarWolf’s suggestion).
Yes! This is exactly what I stumbled upon and got it figured out.
Thank you!
I would like my Dr Scientist not to receive MIDI Clock although the only way to connect it is with 5pin input. And I need Midi Clock for my other 5pin MIDI Pedals (daisychained). It that doable? thanks
Hi! No, but if you can source the correct 1/4” to 5 pin adaptor for your device, you could connect it via an omniport rather than 5 pin and then you should be able to suppress clock for that one pedal…
@Winchovski - in fact, ignore previous. It’s not a matter of finding the right cable for your pedal, it’s simply about using a port other than the DIN on the MC to send MIDI to your Empress.
To use an omniport to do this, the simplest option is a Type A wired (which is standard/normal) 1/4” TRS jack to DIN cable. The DIN end can either be a plug (thus, an all in one cable) or a socket (so you plug a standard 5 pin midi cable in).
If you’ve got the MC6Pro then you can also use a Type A wired 1/8” TRS to DIN plug/socket from the Pro’s Type A mini jack out port.
The manuals cover setting this up… MIDI Controllers
thanks a lot, this is a great idea!
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