MC6 Pro with Jackson and Jet Pedals

Hi all - Starting a downsizing of my MC6 Pro-based board and making a couple changes to pedals. So one new (to me) question and also wondering about an old one…

The old one is on Jackson Audio Golden Boy - I thought I’ve read here that folks are now able to control via Omniports. I’d been using the 3.5mm MIDI because I was not able to when I built the original board. Tried Omniports last night while starting the rebuild and still doesn’t work for me.

The other question - I’ve switched from Strymon to Jet Eternity and Revelation (both the latest versions). I can control both, except not the Revelation via Omniports either. Eternity yes, Revelation no. Same TRS cable, same Omniport that work with the Eternity.

I can work around all of this I think, but it’s super annoying that it’s so finicky.

Thanks in advance for any advice!

Not sure what I did differently. I just got a Jet Revelation today. It works fine with the Omniport, to the extent that I’ve tested it, which is admittedly not much (just PC changes). I made sure the correct Midi channel was set up on the Revelation, and the Omniport was set as Midi Out - Type A (like others have said). Even though the MC6 Pro restarted itself, I did a reset. Everything seems to work fine. It’s just a Monoprice Midi cable until I make my own.