MC6 PRO v3.13 Beta Firmware

We’ve pushed some new updates for the beta firmware today. Firmware can be downloaded at Release Firmware v3.13.0 Beta · Morningstar-Engineering/MC6-PRO-MIDI-Controller · GitHub

Be sure to use the beta editor

Bug Fixes

  1. Using CC message to trigger expression pedal does not trigger Toe and Heel down (Trello)
  2. Safe mode does not stop expressio presets from executing (Trello)
  3. Bank arrangement startup bug (Trello)
  4. “Clear Toggle(all)” midi cc function doesn’t work (Trello)
  5. Aux Switch triggers preset repeatedly when switch held down (Trello)
  6. MC does not refresh screen when MSB LSB MIDI Clock CC is received (Trello)
  7. MC6 Pro issues selecting ML10X preset (Trello)
  8. Preset Message Scroll bug. Wrong messages executed when multiple messages are scrolled along with reverse function used. (Trello)

New Features

  1. Add Shift Hold to Set Toggle message type (Trello)
  2. Track last sent PC message for each MIDI channel (Trello)
  3. New Icons and icon library in the editor

The good news: the preset message scroll bug (reversing) is fixed. Thanks VERY much.

The bad news: either I am misunderstanding or there is another bug:
I use message scrolling a lot, a bank might have 4 or 5 presets dedicated to message scrolling, and multiple banks will have presets with message scrolling.

When I reverse direction, it reverses directions for ALL presets doing message scrolling.

Is this expected?

Again, thanks!

I just took a look at the code and everything seems ok. Let me test this out again tomorrow in office and I’ll post a fix if there is an issue

I didn’t encounter this issue when testing. I just re-uploaded a firmware in the github link just to be sure its the right firmware. Can you try re-updating the firmware and let me know if the issue persists for you? If so, can you share your bank backup file?

I did more testing tonight, something is wrong, but I am not sure what. I have a suspicion, but it is not a bug with the firmware so I will do some more investigating and report back if I find an issue. (It is very possibly a bug with my config. The cause seems to be having two presets with message scroll, but the message scroll count is different for each.)


Ok let me know - you can send me your file as well and we can check it.

Been waiting for an update with the new icons for a while! Can’t wait to see a stable release, there are some very useful icons added that will help how I use the MC6 Pro immensely!

I tried this version two separate times with the beta editor.

Both times my bank names after #9 or 10 were missing. The bank and preset information was all there. I resaved them and the names were repopulated so I disconnected from the editor.

After reconnecting the bank names disappeared. I am using Chrome under Win11. I rolled back to v_3_12_13 for now.

Edit: For clarity, the names disappear in the editor, not the pedal.

If the bank names are not there ie the entire middle section is empty, it’s likely because the text color is set to the same color as the background colour under the bank settings - might want to check that out.

We’ll look into this as well

It was on the editor that they were missing, not the pedal. I’ll try again and see what happens.

Hi James, Happy New tear to you!

Any update on when this might release as a stable version? Thanks, I am really looking forward to this one.

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how do you get to the icons in the beta editor?

  • edit -
    its in the … next to clear preset - lots of new choices!

Continuing the discussion from MC6 PRO v3.13 Beta Firmware:

I’ve just hooked up my MC6 Pro, and am trying to store a preset using the relay port. I’ve used MC6 and MC8 for some time, but I’m baffled.
I completed the settings for the relay port engage and disengage, and save the bank and preset… but my MC6 Pro shows all presets as Empty. The third illuminated block shows ‘B001 PG1’.

Why are my settings not showing up on the MC6 Pro display?

The frustration goes further. When I have edited the preset and try to save it, I’m told to select a preset first. When I edit the bank and try to save it, I get the same message. When I click on preset A (the one I was editing), my changes are erased. :frowning:

I realized that these messages are in the wrong topic, but see no way to move them.
I have the latest stable firmware, 3.12.13, and I am using the editor from the Morningstar website.
I’m using the MIDI A to MIDI C cable shipped with the MC6 Pro, with a cable extension to reach my PC (Dell XPS tower 1 year old, running Windows 11).

Hi my omniport expression isn’t working now. I can calibrate and see that the mc6 pro is getting the readings. However in a bank where the expression is setup to send a midi message, it neither shows up on the screen when the pedal is moved, nor does it send the midi messages. The funny thing is it seemed to be working fine until I was messing with some other bank settings. Maybe I need to reset the MC6 Pro?

This is frustrating because I was so happy the ML10x “On Bank Enter” messages finally work (through one of the other omniports). Anyone else experiencing this?

Yes I am having a similar problem with the 3.13 beta firmware. My omniports show up as disabled no matter how many times I set them and save. I’ve flashed the previous firmware until things are stable.

Functional problems also? Do you have an expression pedal hooked up? I saw the same thing as you in regards to them showing disabled (even though midi out through them still worked), then switched over to the “Beta” chrome editor and it shoes them as not disabled at least, but still no expression getting through.

I was wondering if it was because I tried to edit things in the normal editor first. The beta says it’s still for version 3.12 so I thought there wasn’t any difference. Could be my fault?

I do have an expression pedal, and now also a knob hooked up.

It’s odd because even though it said “disabled”, midi and my triple switch worked. No expression messages would get through.

I used the beta editor and tested the production editor. There were other problems so I decided to fall back to 3.12. No problems there except a minor bug that is fixed in 3.13.

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I am unable to install the beta version on my controller. I download the software, install it normally, but when it restarts, it reverts to the previous version. I have tried installing it with both the beta editor and the stable version, but without success. Am I doing something wrong? Does anyone have any tips?