Tying to use a Boss FV-50 as an expression pedal to control parameters on a sourca audio C4.
Have followed youtube tutuorials on setting up an expression pedal and that all seemed to work.
Changed settings on Neuro Hub that I thought would allow expression pedal to change various parameters.
Didn’t work, although the light on the C4 flickered every time I rocked the pedal, so there is a signal of some description gettting though.
Any C4 users out there that may be able to help with a walkthrough, and perhaps some screenshots of both the morningstar editor, neuro hub, settings required and c4 community preset that is know to work with an expression pedal so I can try and get to grips with this?
Hi. An expression pedal needs to meet these requirements: The MC6 PRO works only with TRS expression pedals. Expression pedals fitted with 10k ohm linear potentiometers give the most accurate and smoothest response, though 10k - 25k ohm linear potentiometers will work as sell. The potentiometer wiper should be connected to the Tip of the stereo cable, while the Ring and Sleeve should be connected to the outer lugs on the potentiometer.
I think the boss you’re using is a volume pedal? It might not be compatible with the MC?
Also I don’t think you need the Neuro hub anymore. I run my c4 directly from the MC6Pro from the USB host port. You need a cable that goes from usb mini to usb type c. Preferably right angle.
@moley6knipe - Yes it is a volume pedal and I used a TRS connection. The editor recognised it and calibrated the heel down, toe down. The C4 LED pedal flashes very quickly when I rock the pedal which suggest it is recognising something.
@64jazzbass - Sorry, meant Neuro desktop editor. At the bottom of the settings you can change what gets controlled by MIDI expression pedal. Was just hoping someone could give me settings for both Morningstar editor and C4 / Neuro Desktop App for something they have that works so I could test it and see if my volume pedal does actually do the job or not.
In summary, how I do it is:
Set my C4 on a unique midi channel;
In neuro editor, map the things you want to control via exp and note them;
In the MC editor, set your exp messages
The screenshot shows that the box for dual expression/ x axis is checked. This will work only if a source audio dual expression pedal is plugged into the trrs port of the C4.
If you want to control something via midi simply send the cc that’s assigned to the corresponding parameter.
Check ‘device/midi map’ for the CC#
Looking at the screenshot, as GuitarWolf said, made sure you select “Remote Expression”, and I’ll add to that- make sure that “External Control” module in the editor is activated(the context menu is blocking it in the screenshot)
Are you hooked up to the C4 via USB host?
Yes - Using USB host. Did try the ‘Remote Expression (Hub/MIDI)’ when I was trying to get expression pedal to work, but not sure about the ‘External Control’ module. Will have a lok at this next time I hook everything up to my desktoop PC again.
Bear in mind you need to enable the external control in every C4 preset you want to use it, and also map the thing being controlled and your minimum and maximum values in each preset. And check that the C4 does have remote control mapped to cc 100 (it does by default).
Then you should be able to send cc 100 via exp from MC.
But all of that’s too much faff for me so on the C4 I just mapped the controls I wanted to use on exp and then call their CCs directly from the MC