MC6 Pro not passing through midi from DIN

I have midi working from Logic out through my audio interface (Fireface) and into a Kenton Thru box that goes to my hardware.

I want to add the MC6 Pro between my interface and the thru box so I can control things with my foot rather than always using my DAW. Strangely, it doesn’t work. All my settings look correct on the editor. There doesn’t seem to be any clock received by the MC6 Pro in the monitor, even though it is definitely working when I take the MC6 Pro out.

Controller settings show DIN5 midi going through to DIN5 out. Any ideas of what else could be the issue? Thanks

Check the Controller Settings >>> General Config >> Ignore MIDI Clock setting - make sure it is turned off.

If you can share a screenshot of the editor showing your general config then we can check if it is a setting issue.

Thanks James. I reset my controller settings and just made sure I had on the DIN5 Midi Thru and still no dice. Screenshot of controller settings -

Firmware 3.12.13

Any more ideas on what might be the cause please? A shame not to be able to use the MC6 Pro. Cheers

Settings look fine. Besides MIDI clock, have you tried sending through other types of MIDI messages like PC or CC?

Can you verify that it isn’t an issue with one of the cables, and that the 5-pin cables are correctly orientated when connecting to the 7-pin MIDI Input and Output ports on the MC6 PRO?

Also, just you troubleshoot, can you connect the MC6 PRO to your computer via USB and then use it as an interface (send MIDI clock from Logic to MC6 PRO), and see if it works? In the MIDI thru settings, be sure to enable USB Device / DIN5 MIDI Thru.

Thanks James. I checked the cables, re-tested and still had the same issue. I then connected via USB device port and when tested that I had a doubling up of midi clock (so tempo of 110bpm coming out at 220bpm) with indicators showing midi data receiving from both the USB and DIN-5. Disconnected the USB and now DIN-5 is working as expected. Quite odd!

Thanks very much for your help troubleshooting. Great to get it sorted.

Thanks for the update. Sounds like the DAW was sending midi clock to both the interface and the MC, and hence the MC was receiving clock from both the USB and DIN5 port. You should be able to toggle this setting off in your DAW to prevent it from
sending clock to the MC

Hey James. That definitely wasn’t the cause because I didn’t have any usb plugged into the MC6 pro initially. I just had the 5 din midi going from my audio interface direct to the MC6. It was only following your troubleshooting and plugging in the midi and usb from my computer to the MC6 & running both at the same time that fixed the DIN issue. Appreciate your support. Thanks