MC6 Pro crashes on Engage Preset

I’m new to MIDI and probably doing something wrong. I have basic pedal presents in bank 1. Bank 2 has song presets that call the pedal presents. If I simply cut and paste the messages for the pedal preset, everything works fine. However, if I use Engage Preset, the MC6 Pro does nothing for a few sec, then the screens go white, then it seems to power off and reboot. What am I missing here? Thanks!

Hard to tell from the screenshot but the most common cause of hanging is when an engage preset calls another preset, when then calls itself again, causing an infinite loop.

I’d need to see your all banks backup to determine what might be the issue.

Hi James,
Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. I’ve attached a backup. Thank you for your help.

(Attachment Morningstar_MC6PRO_All_Banks_Backup_20240215_215419.json is missing)

Hi James,
Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. Here’s a link to the backup:
Thank you for your help.


thanks. Which preset should I be looking at to replicate the hanging issue? I didn’t see a preset with the engage preset message

Sorry, I should have included that. The problem is in Preset A in Bank 2, which tries to engage Preset A in Bank 1.

I mistyped - The problem is in Preset A in Bank 2, which tries to engage Preset D in Bank 1, not Preset A. What’s interesting is that if I engage the problem preset right after powering up, it works fine - I can see the proper messages passed on the midi monitor. However, if I go to another preset and then come back, then sometimes only the cc messages are passed, other times the MC6 Pro crashes. If I cycle back and forth, it will always crash at some point, but it’s not the same every time. It doesn’t seem as simple as a recursive call.