MC6 Pro - connected via USB C to Computer not working unless I engage other device

Hello all, I just received my new MC6Pro a few days ago and I am experiencing a few issues that would like to get some help with. I bought the controller to control software even though I think the main strength of Morningstar gear is to control other gear.

  • Issue one: the controller cannot connect to my GuitarRig Pro 7 when connected to the Morning Star Editor, is that normal behavior? To be able to connect to the software I have to exit the Editor and vice-versa.
  • Issue two: GuitarRig Pro 7 would not recognize the Midi messages when the MC6-Pro is connected to the computer by itself (windows PC), it will only recognize the messages when I turn on my Focusrite audio interface, even though the MC6-Pro is not connected to the audio interface at all.
    Thanks for your help and looking forward to exploring the capabilities of my new gear!

I’m a newbie so beware.

  • Issue 1 : Windows only allowing one program to connect. Normal behavior and the fix is documented on this site on how to make a virtual midi software loop with “loop midi” How to
  • Issue 2: Software (guitar rig pro) will not receive MC6 midi unless hardware is connected (focusrite).
    I suspect a device driver is enabled when focusrite is on that enables midi connection.

And this is worth checking / knowing… Certain Functions Are Not Working

In Windows, yes this is the normal behaviour.

Windows only allows one MIDI Port to one software. If one software has claimed one MIDI port, then other software cannot use it.

You can get around this by increasing the USB Virtual MIDI Port setting in the controller settings to 2 or more:

Then, connect to your editor using Port 1:

And use the other port for your other MIDI software.

Thank you will try this out, it is strange since I don’t really have another midi software connected, but it may something in the background.

This makes, sense will try the virtual midi loop/port that you and James suggest.

DId you get it working?