MC6 mkII locking hard when I enable custom bank order

Hi - I use custom bank ordering extensively for creating playlists for gigs. I just went to use it for this Friday’s gig and ran into a problem. As usual I create the custom bank order, enable it, disconnect from the editor and power cycle the controller (last step not really needed but I like to check).

And the controller now hard locks on the first button press!

The only way out of it is to reconnect to the editor, reboot and disable the custom bank order.

I’ve tried several times and it’s completely reproducible.

On firmware 3.12.6A and desktop editor build v1.3.11.240905013.

I’ve tried using the web editor and get the same issue.

UPDATE: I think I’ve completely bricked the controller - it’s now just showing the startup message and firmware version. ARGHHHHHH!

Well, I can update the firmware, but the controller simply will not boot. Currently it’s just displaying:
Firmware v3.12.5

I’ve confirmed that the firmware uploader is working as it will change the message shown above. But it simply won’t start up properly.

Real disaster as I have a gig on Friday and completely reliant on this working properly!

Try holding down Switch B on bootup to enable SAFE MODE. does that help the controller boot?

That fixes it - thanks so much James! I use lots of ‘Engage Preset’ messages. Could the culprit be an infinite loop somewhere?

It does sound like it yes… if you always boot into the same bank number suggest start by checking any “on enter bank” messages in said bank