Hello i’m using the mc6 mk1 to control the boss gt1000 pedal and sometime depending on timing when i press a mc6’s switch it switchs effect from off to on to off or the opposite if i need to turn off the effect so it’s like i didnt press the Switch. Can you help me?
Can you share screenshots of your MC programming and the assignes of the GT?
I suspect this is due to your preset toggle state not being in your desired state when you hit the switch. To manage your preset toggle state, you can use the Set Toggle message type to use a switch to set the toggle state of another switch.
Hi, set ‘mode’ in your GT’s assigns from ‘toggle’ to ‘momentary’ that should fix it.
i tried to set on “moment” but it doesn’t work. it changes the effect one time to on or off depending on the state and the value of cc# and that’s it: the effect is locked on his new state.
all parameters of the reverb’s control:
I can confirm that momentary is the correct setting. Are you aware that you have to send different messages if you want to toggle the effect off or on? Your screenshots aren’t conclusive and I’m not familiar with the mk I. To me it looks like you are sending an on and an off message at the same.
To be honest i just followed a tuto years ago to setup the mc6 for a boss rc500, i don’t really understand how works midi. Anyway you Can see on screenshot i sent about mc6’s parameters that it sends 2 messages . Take reverb for exemple: Message 1 cc#2 value 127 message 2 cc#2 value 1 .
Ok, the RC 500 requires both messages to be send simultaniously to function properly. That isn’t the case for the GT. If you send both messages at once the GT will get ‘stuck’ in the state the last message sets it to. What you have to do is configure the MC to alternate cc 0 and cc 127 when pressing the switch multiple times. A MC 6 MK II has a function that is called ‘toggle mode’. I assume there is something similar for the MK I
Your screenshot of the tremolo shows a different message type called ‘cc dual’ maybe that’s a ‘toggle’? Try to set the fx3 block of the GT to ‘moment’ and test if it works.
so i tried this:
i have the same problem than at the begining, if i press the switch a little bit slowly it goes back to his initial state.
I have two remarks,
- If the mk I follows the same logic as the mk II you’ll have to put 0 for ‘active state’ and 128 for ‘inactive state’ but I’m not sure about this.
- What do you mean this only happens if you press slowly? There shouldn’t be a difference. Maybe the issue is the switch sensitivity. Can you pull up the midi monitor to confirm what messages are being send if you engage/disengage the preset?
1: there is no 128 on mk1 but i tried 0 active 127 inactive for the same result >
2:i mean when i press the switch and hold it a fraction of a seconde it turn back on initial state (just before switching) so i have to press it really quickly if i want it to works fine… that’s not practical… any report of that kind of issue on mk1?
Sorry had a typo there of course it’s 127.
Sounds to me like there is an issue with your footswitch. Is it only this patch or behave all switches that way? Would be really helpful to see some midi monitor data. That way we could at least rule out the GT as source of the problem.
I’m going to double check the settings of my GT and my MC pro later today.
Ok i’ll download a monitoring software sooner as possible.
edit: all switch the same.
when it’s working (on>off) coz i tap quickly the switch the soft monitor shows this :
When it’s not working (on>off>on) coz i tap slower:
That’s a lot of random stuff , how many times did you press the button? Are you running midi clock?
Just one time
I don’t think it sends clock coz my gtk’s clock is only affected by the clock of a RC500 which IS the master, but how can i check that? Oh maybe all these informations come from midi thru.
i unplugged all device from MC6 and the result is simpler:
when i press slowly 1 time:
when i press quickly 2 times (it’s working):
Edit: it has nothing to do with other device coz i just tried to plug them and i have the same result… so i don’t understand why i had these results yesterday.
Edit2: Now i have again chaotics results… don’t know why…
Could be a midi loop. Whats your midi chain?
Screenshot 2 looks like what I’d expect.
We know now that the settings are correct in principle.
Does the MK I have an option to change the switch sensitivity? If so I’d try to set it as low as possible, maybe that will fix it.
At this point my guess is that you have a faulty switch.
Mc6>boss RC500>GT1000c(but finally even when everything is unplugged i get these weird results). no input on mc6 btw
I don’t know if mk1 has this option, i don’t even know if we can modify parameters of the hardware itself… it uses an old editor… is the editor the only way to setup the MC6?