MC6 and Plethora x3: Long Press for CC changes PC in same preset

Using MC6ii and Plethora x3

Selecting a preset and then a bank, I create 2 PC changes to toggle between two FX boards on my x3. (Action: Press, Positions 1 and 2 for each board). Tested and it switches between boards. In the same preset I create 3 cc changes to turn on all effects for the current FX board. (Action: Long Press Release, Toggle Positions set to Both).

On long press it will activate the PC change (not intended) and then CC changes for the FX board it switched to with the PC command. Any other combination of settings will result in no CC commands executed or it randomly works.

FWIW, I tested the CC commands on their own preset and I have also tried other commands like double press and they all work as expected for obvious reasons.

I am new to this but I feel like I understand it as much as a novice could.

Any ideas would be great, thanks.


Press and Long Press don’t go well together. Use Release and Long Press instead.

The reason might be, that it takes some time to boot the bank on the Plethora. The MC sends a PC and then almost instantly the CC#.
I would try this:
Option 1- Set the PC to Press and the CC to Release but perform a Long Press, to give the Plethora some time to switch boards.

Option 2- same as above, but put a ‘Delay’ message before the CC message. The CC message should be the last message of your preset.
‘Delay’ is a message type which allows you to choose how long it takes to execute the subsequent messages. I’d start with 100ms. If it works try a shorter delay if not try the maximum value to see if it works at all and work your way down.

Using Press for the board change and CC Release didn’t work at all but simply preceding the CC switches with CC Long Press Delay worked perfect at 110ms. I now have the option to change boards with and without activating all 3 pedals.

Thanks for your help.