Lehle Mono Volume S / Lehle Dual Expression - MC6 Pro

*** Using the Lehle Mono Volume S has an expression with Morningstar MC6 Pro.***

Howdy, I"m thinking about buying a new expression/Volume pedal.

My current setup is the following.

I’m connecting an Ernie Ball VP Jr (250K) with a Y cable to the Morningstar MC6 Pro (Omniport 1 ).

I’m sending an expression CC message : CC #1 with value 0 to 127.

In the QC I’m assigning a parameter to EXP 1.

I’m can use Volume pedal, Wah pedal or control whatever parameter I wish.

So Far it’s working pretty good.

I’m interested by Lehle product either the Mono Volume S or the Dual Expression.

I’m wondering what would be the best solution for the money.

If I get the Mono Volume S I could switch the pedal to my analog Rig and use it has intended a volume pedal with a boost feature.

  • Do any of your guys have experience with what’s I wish to achieve ?
  • Would I be able to achieve a similar setup withe the Lehle Mono Volume S ?
