"Jump to last bank" for TRS Aux Switch?

Hey there,

I’m using my MC6 MkII organized with a Home bank from where I can navigate to banks that serve as sub-menus.

In each bank I programmed my middle top footswitch (E) as a “Back button”. It triggers a “Bank Jump” action on Long Press Release, with option “Go to last used bank: Last used Bank/Page”.

I would like to offload this to one of my unused footswitches on my 3-button TRS aux switch (the other 2 buttons are for Home and Toggle Page), so I can have this as a truly global behavior.

I noticed that the MC6 MkII supports this via MIDI CC#9, as per the MIDI implementation chart: https://morningstarengineering.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/MMS/pages/929988624/MC6+MKII#MIDI-Implementation-Charts

But there’s no equivalent in the “TRS Aux Switch” omniport options?

Am I missing something, is this an oversight? It seems to me like it should be available for TRS Aux Switch if it’s available as MIDI, for feature parity.

Here are the options available to me in the Omniport > TRS Aux Switch section of the editor:

  • Do Nothing
  • Bank Down
  • Bank Up
  • Toggle Page
  • MIDI Clock Tap Tempo
  • Toggle MIDIClock
  • Start MIDI Clock
  • Stop MIDI Clock
  • Toggle Looper Mode
  • Enter Looper Mode
  • Exit Looper Mode
  • Enter Bank Change Mode
  • Toggle Active Preset
  • Bank Jump [[only bank numbers available, no “last bank/page” option here]]
  • Preset A
  • Preset L


  • MC6 MkII
  • Software v3.12.6
  • Editor: Firefox 134.0 on Linux Mint 21.3
  • DIY 3-button TRS Aux Switch

Best regards

You can map it to use an unused button (e.g., L).

On each bank you’d setup the action for L to jump to the last bank.

Easy way to do this is to set it up on one bank’s preset and paste to all banks: How do I paste a preset to all banks?

Hey thanks for the input

My question holds because I’m already leveraging presets A to L on my MC6 (I play in a cover band and have lots of song banks, one song per page, plus banks for programming presets that I reuse in other banks via Engage Preset)

So reserving even one preset in all banks is not really possible for me. Obviously I’d prefer to not have to switch to an MC8 or MC6Pro unit, first because of budget :slight_smile: but also because of pedalboard estate constraints.

In this post [Feature Request] definition "parent bank" and function "jump to parent bank" - #7 by james, James suggested to use the “No Action” message type, but we can’t tie a specific action to an aux switch when setting it as “Engage preset”,as shown by this feature request [Feature Request] Aux switch can trigger Engage Preset command directly. It relays action types, eg pressing the aux switch triggers a Press, releasing it triggers Release, and so on. So maybe this hint was outdated / hypothetical

I guess my use case would be solved with the ability to have “Global Presets” and tie those to aux switches, as would a lot of other use cases. This seems to have been floating around for a while and I can only second the idea!

It’s a fair point… if you’ve no spare presets you’re out of options. @james - please could you add Add ‘Jump to last bank’ to aux switch on the Roadmap? I’ve had a look and can’t see it! Thanks…


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URL: Add Jump to last bank function for Aux switch options

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