I am using a Blooper and MC6 both with the latest firmware.
I am trying to engage the FILTER modifier and toggle between a LPF and HPF. On my pedal the FILTER is modifier 5. So here is what I tried.
- ON PRESS (position 1)
Set Mod B switch to 5 (CC#23 = 2)
Set Mod B Value to 40 (LPF) (CC#19=40)
Engage Mod B(CC#31=127) - ON PRESS (position 2)
Set Mod B Value to 85 (HPF) (CC#19=85) - ON LONG PRESS (BOTH)
Disable Mod B(CC#31=0)
The issue is that Any time you adjust the modifier on state (CC#31=127) it toggles the Modifier, it doesn’t just set it to ON.
To try to fix it I used the Shift State where it
Set Mod B switch to 5 (CC#23 = 2)
Engage Modifier (CC#31=127)
and then it toggles between the two values in position 1 & 2 with a long press in Both disabling the modifier.
It still just shuts off the modifier instead of simply toggling the values.
Any ideas?