iOS Editor App unreliable?

Does the iOS Editor require an internet connection?

I’m only occasionally able to connect my iPad mini 6 to my MC6 Pro. Most times, the Editor app just shows a blank white screen and doesn’t boot up.

Immediately after a gig last night, I wanted to make a few edits and could not get the app to go past the white screen. This is a common problem. But this morning in my home, the app loads up fine (not currently connected to the MC6)

The only difference is that at home, my iPad is connected to my WiFi, whereas “in the field” I generally do not connect to the internet (non-cellular iPad).


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I’ve experienced the same thing i.e. the iOS/iPadOS editor appears to need internet connection otherwise it just doesn’t run. This is a MASSIVE pain in the ass when I’m at a gig because the iPad I use for configuring my MC6 Pro is not cellular; if I want to configure my MC6 Pro at a gig, I need to hotspot my iPad to my iPhone…which is mucking around that I don’t want to be faffing around with at a gig.

@james, can you (or anyone else) confirm that the iOS editor requires internet access? And if so, is this requirement REALLY necessary?

Yes, at the present state, it requires internet access. But this should be something we can fix. I can give a clearer view by end of the week


That would be great, James!

I’ve just pushed an update on the iOS app (v1.3.1) which should allow offline access. The app needs to be pre-loaded once first.

We’ve tested this by going into airplane mode, and then restarting the iOS device. After booting up (in airplane mode), the app is able to reload. Let me know how it works for you.