IK Multimedia ToneX One Pedal via USB

James, Could you please look into using the MC6 Pro to control ToneX One pedal? Apparently there is a Google Play only app called Midi Chief that can let an Android Phone user with the app connected via USB /OTG to select from 20 embedded ToneX One pedal presets with MIDI. Could MC6 Pro do this via USB host?

I know the ToneX One world would go crazy for the ability to select embedded presets with MIDI. It’s the ONLY thing lacking.

Please, please, please say it can be done!!!

It seems that ToneXOne can be controlled via MIDI, but the theory is the app guys most probably sniffed the communication between app and pedal and send custom commands over USB, converting them from incoming MIDI commands, but not with MIDI over USB protocol.

In other words, it’s a custom implementation made specially for ToneXOne that you will NOT find in other MIDI controllers (unless they do the same).
Afaik, no MIDI over USB is enabled on the pedal yet and it’s not even seen as MIDI device.

So maybe the question is…. Can Morningstar do the same?

I would love this as an option as well if there’s someway to do it


I’m trying to send PC to tonex one via USB host on MC6 PRO but I didn’t get any success! I saw that other midi controllers are already controlling tonex one!

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I am developer of app Midi Chief. You are correct. I sniffed USB messages and implement it on my app to control ToneX one. I do the same with other equivalent devices, like mooer preamp x2.
I think that is no sense to a big company do the same in midi only products. The Brazilian controller Saturno do this, because in Brazil there are a lot of taxes, and Tonex one is more attractive than the full version.

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Is there any way to upvote this request?

EDIT: I saw that Pirate MIDI are launching a hardware converter for this type of application, but I would like to assume it’s because their flagship hardware controllers don’t have MIDI-USB host outputs. It also looks way overpriced IMO

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We can’t do this because we don’t want to hack something to make it work when it isn’t officially supported by ToneX. This will lead to maintenance problems down the road if anything changes on their end.

The best way is to get ToneX to support MIDI over USB

Pirate Midi is launching the function with their Click v2 box which has Tonex One translation. I e pre ordered this box to go between my MC6 Pro and Tonex One. Is this not something you COULD add? If it’s about $, I’d pay and I’m sure others would.

I agree with “not developing something that isn’t officially supported”. But, how about the flexibility of mapping the CC/PC to USB calls? We already have the ability to Map to other PC/CC or Notes. Having the ability would allow us to have the accountability for it working or not.