I can’t figure out how to setup a stereo FX loop with my ML10X going into my Simplifier X.
I checked the 4 cables methods in the manual which shows how to do it for a mono FX loop, but is there any solution for a STEREO FX loop ?
Here is how I would like to connect my Simplifier X (as shown in the manual):
Any help greatly appreciated!
just connect send A and send B of the Simplyfier to the input of the ml10x and return A and B of the Simplyfier to the ml10x’s output.
You’ll need two trs to ts y split cables.
Hi GuitarWolf,
Many thanks for your help. But one question, I also want to hit front of amp in the Simplifier X, so I should also have a cable which goes to Input A, right ?
You would plug your guitar into the input of the Simplyfier.
It is also possible to put the Simplyfier in parallel with your effects.
In that case you would plug your guitar into the input of the ml10x and split the signal internally ( the ml10x has a setting to split the signal by default).
You would then have to connect the inputs A and B of the simplyfier to the send of one of the ml10x’s loops. The return of that loop to the sends A and B of the Simplyfier. Return A and B of the Simplyfier to the ml10x’s outputs.
This would allow you to place your effects in the effect loop and in front of the Simplyfier. You’d loose a loop, though.
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Hi GuitarWolf,
That’s exactly what I want, to be able to go in front of amp and in effect loop.
I am going to use the 10 loops with stereo to mono Y cables, so I will have enough for that one.
Many thanks for your help!