I have a problem. On my Morningstar MC8, I know how to set up a preset on my ENZO via messages by assigning fixed values of type #CC. But I don’t know how to make a given #CC respond to the movement of my expression pedal.
Could someone explain to me how to achieve this?
Hi, welcome! This is the help page: How do I set the expression pedal to send different CC messages per preset? | Morningstar Engineering Helpdesk
Set your expression messages per bank. They’re bottom right in the editor. You can use labels in the editor to state eg “Filter”, “Drive” etc. When done, take a screenshot to refer to when selecting exp messages in the presets.
Pro tip: if you engage exp preset 1 in bank one (for example) and then change to bank 2 (for example), exp preset 1 will still be active in bank 2 (i.e. their state persists). A good tip, if this matters to your use case, is to set an “on enter” message in bank presets to deselect all exp messages
Thank you very much for your response. You have given me the clue I needed!
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