How to MIDI map Actions without CC numbers (on Beebo, for example)?

I’m using the MC6 Pro to control the Poly Effects Beebo/Hector, mostly with the Loopler module the Loopler doesn’t have dedicated CC numbers like some pedals do. Instead you arm the parameter you want to map and hit the switch. So far so good…

But how do I “hit the switch” if I want to program a different parameters to different Actions, for example Record on Press and Pause on Long Press?

If I arm the parameter and try doing a long press, the Beebo just overwrites the Press mapping. For example if Record is mapped and I arm Pause to map and do a long press, Record is mapped to Press and Long Press has no effect.

Suggestions? :thinking:

Hi! Have a read of this: Action Type List

Try changing any “Press” actions to “Release” instead.

Thanks. After posting I realized I needed to set the switch to “Release” if there is a Long Press, because the Press triggers first. Working now!