How to have toggle status reflect actual state?

MidiBaby3 → MC8 → Boss RC600

I change memories (patch #) and toggle fx on the RC600 with the MB3 and MC8.

Say I’m using memory 1, I will toggle fx on. Then when I change to memory 2, the fx will be off on the RC (which is normal) but the status of the midi toggle is still on the last action (on from memory 1).

I’m not sure how to show the current state of the fx from the RC600 to the midi controllers. I imagine I have to send PC to the midi “in” on the controllers?

Does this help? How to have only one preset toggled at any one time | Morningstar Engineering Helpdesk

You can’t send the status of the RC back to the MC, you’d need to set your MC toggles to stay in sync with the RC

Thanks for the tip. I think those options will work. If I press a MC8 preset which changes the memory slot on the RC600, looks like I can configure that action to clear the fx toggles on the MC8.

I don’t think the MidiBaby3 can do this easily as I have the 3 buttons mapped out to fx already. Might have to change that out to a Morningstar…

Maybe I’m missing something, but why the use of the MidiBaby? Can what it’s doing not be done on the MC alongside whatever you’ve got programmed already?

But yes: on the MC it’s trivial to send many things on the same action and/or toggle state

Doing a one man band type thing, instrumental, so I got a little juggling act between guitar, drum machine, looper.

I’ve tried paging with the MC8 and it’s easy enough, but find I prefer having it all out in the open. All MC8 buttons control my Helix so I use the MB3 for my RC600 (and a few aux outs from the MC8) I had the MB3 lying around so been trying to use that. But think I outgrew it…

Yeah this is a big problem with MIDI, I have the same issue with the MC6 Pro controlling the Headrush Looperboard’s internal FX. Here’s my solution:

  1. Never make any FX changes on the looper
  2. Create a double tap command called Sync on the MC6 Pro (explained below)
  3. Before starting each song, load a song preset on the looper then immediately use the Sync command on the MC6 Pro so everything agrees

The Looperboard has four independent FX racks, where each rack is a chain of FX. I dedicate rack 1 to my vocals, so that never changes.

Racks 2-4 are all for my guitar and are mutually exclusive. Since I don’t know which rack is active when I load a song preset in the looper, and it may disagree with the controller state, the Sync command I made rapidly toggles rack 4, then 3, then 2. That way no matter what was active before, both the looper and controller agree that rack 2 is now active. It took a while to figure this out, and I had to add 250ms pauses between those three commands to work around a Looperboard FX bug, but now it’s solid.

You might be able to do this automatically if the RC-600 lets you load songs with PC change messages or similar. In that case, create a preset on the controller for every song, and have your Load command also configure the controller’s idea of what’s active to match the Boss (or automatically send a Sync command like I built above). Hope that helps.

That’s very neat! Good work there!

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If it were me, I’d use the MC8 alone and get it to send all required engage or disengage messages to the Helix and the RC600 as needed.

Eg a preset could send stuff to both devices on Press, and using toggles then send different stuff to both devices on the next press.