Hi all!
i have a gt1000core and a mc8.
I have setup 2 expression pedal via omniports and they are sending at the right channels according to the midi inspector in the morningstar program.
I have setup assigns to the right cc channel in gt1000, but it doesnt respond to the expression pedals.
Any tips?
if you could upload some screenshots of your expression presets, the actual preset you are engaging the expression preset with and the gt core’s assigns, I might be able to help. I’ve never had issues controlling the gt via the mc’s expression input.
Thanks for quick response.
Here are some pictures.
I only use one bank, with buttons mapped to different CC messages, so i don’t engage a preset. I want the expression pedal to always be “on”…
The MC8 sends expression when i check the midi monitor.
Looks ok, Tx channel should be Rx in general but that won’t cause the issue you are facing.
I assume you already tested if other messages, like a simple cc or pc go through? If not it’s probably the physical connection.
Did you try to control the volume pedal block or the pedal fx via expression cc? Does this work? Maybe just delay volume is bugged?
Did you connect the gt back to the mc’s midi in? Maybe it’s a midi loop.
Thanks for help! My bad… i had plugged into the wrong midi input on the gt1000… Now working , but unfortunately the lag/latency is too big for wah , and even expression… Do you find it usable for your gt 1000 setup?