FR: Option to do +1 to the PC sent for some MIDI channel


Some midi hardware use different numbering for their presets.

For example on the kemper, rig 1 (assign to PC 1) corresponds to… PC#0.
But on my sampler preset 1 corresponds to PC#1.

On my previous FC (liquid foot FAMC), one can configure each midi channel to make a “+1” to the PC that the FC send. Without this option, it is really hard to not make an error. Also, it is very annoying!

Many users will be glad to have this kind of option! (See PC numbers starting with „1“ and
Program Change Offest?).

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Could this option be integrated in the next release of the editor ?

EDIT: fix typo

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Thanks for the suggestion!

Sorry, I don’t think we will do this - it’ll likely result in further confusion because the next time when someone says they are sending PC#5, we’re going to have trouble understanding whether he/she meant PC#4 or PC#5

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URL: Option to do +1 to the PC sent for some MIDI channel

I understand your point of view, but you should consider my situation with 13 devices and 13 midi channels involved! It’s hard to remember which one starts from 0 or from 1. Please consider also that you have the Midi Monitor to check the messages you are actually sending. As a customer I really need this facility!


Completly agree.

The 0/+1 could be indicated clearly somewhere in the interface? For instance between parenthesis after the name of the midi channel within the interface.