Some midi hardware use different numbering for their presets.
For example on the kemper, rig 1 (assign to PC 1) corresponds to… PC#0.
But on my sampler preset 1 corresponds to PC#1.
On my previous FC (liquid foot FAMC), one can configure each midi channel to make a “+1” to the PC that the FC send. Without this option, it is really hard to not make an error. Also, it is very annoying!
Sorry, I don’t think we will do this - it’ll likely result in further confusion because the next time when someone says they are sending PC#5, we’re going to have trouble understanding whether he/she meant PC#4 or PC#5
I understand your point of view, but you should consider my situation with 13 devices and 13 midi channels involved! It’s hard to remember which one starts from 0 or from 1. Please consider also that you have the Midi Monitor to check the messages you are actually sending. As a customer I really need this facility!
The 0/+1 could be indicated clearly somewhere in the interface? For instance between parenthesis after the name of the midi channel within the interface.