I use message scroll to scroll through presets. Each message is just an “Engage Preset” action. The scroll counter displayed by %G is useful, but not very descriptive. I’d like to display the current preset instead.
Acceptance Criteria:
- A placeholder exists to display useful a description of each scroll counter value in a preset
- User can name the preset something like “%M”, and the software will display the user-defined message for each value of the scroll counter
Dev Notes:
- This seems tricky to achieve, since the message sent is decoupled from the scroll counter.
- If there’s a way to track down the contents of the message, and display some relevant description, that could work
- Otherwise, a most-recent preset placeholder could also work, though this could run into buggy behavior when toggling other switches in the same bank. (I use the C switch to scroll presets, and the A switch to toggle a boost for instance. If I switch to a preset with C, but then click A to engage the boost, I’m assuming the most-recent preset implementation would change to “Boost”, which would obscure the setting I’m really trying to track…)
- A user-defined mapping of scroll counters to descriptive messages could be the answer, although that would require UX to implement. Let the user define a message for each scroll counter position