Apologizes if this is already possible. I have many synths, each with presets of different types. Eg., preset 1 might be a bass, 2 a pad, 3 a keys, 4 a bass, 5 fx, etc. It would be convenient to be able to set up the PC scroll to only include bass sounds, and another for just pads, etc. This would involve having customizable counters that allow the user to exclude certain PC numbers, not just limit the range of numbers. Is this doable? Cheers.
You can programm a sequence of pc messages using the message scroll feature. Would that be an option?
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Thanks. That works almost perfectly! With a couple of “on first engage” messages at the end to send the appropriate bank select msb and lsb cc’s. If I need more than 30 PC messages I can create additional MC6PRO presets for those as needed. Cheers!