I am a MC6 and Fractal FM3 user. The integration that Morningstar has done with the FM units is incredible. I’ve found the current implementation a little hard to use, though. Before I discovered the fractal integration, I just used the MC6 to control scenes. I use the MC to access scenes 2-7, and external switches for scenes 1 and 8.
My main qualm with the fractal integration for scenes is that using the scene integration takes you to a new page. Your only options for scenes on this screen are scenes 1-5, and one button is taken up with an “Exit” function. In my ideal world, instead of have a scenes page for fractal integration, we could just assign a foot switch press function to control a scene, and the two way communication would allow you to know if that scene is still active. This workflow could look like:
Action=Press, Type=Fractal Audio Integration, Fractal Model=FM3, Integration Type=Scene Control, Scene Number=2, Override preset name with scene name = TRUE.
I don’t know if this is possible, but it would be an improvement in my book if it is.
Also, I understand Fractals MIDI support is quite limited, but if it were possible for the MC controllers to function as “Stand in Switches”, that would be game changing.