Toggle Groups and Toggle Reset Groups are an incredible feature that I now use for all of my MIDI capable pedals via the Morningstar MC6 Pro. I have separate banks configured to control the specific presets activated on each of my MIDI capable pedals utilizing Toggle Reset Groups, and I also use the Toggle Groups to track whether a pedal is ON/OFF across all my banks.
Now one thing I’m working towards is also have banks configured to set the presets of multiple pedal’s at once for songs or specific sections of songs. So in theory, I’d have one preset on my MC6 Pro turn on and send PC messages to multiple pedals. This works as expected… however, I cannot seem to find a way to set the status of multiple Toggle Groups or Toggle Reset Groups…
Perhaps there is something that I’m missing, but I’d like to be able to go into a bank to select a preset for a song and then when I got back to my banks to configure specific pedals, the Toggle Groups associated with the ON/OFF status of the pedal is updated along with the Toggle Reset Groups associated with the activated preset. Anyone have any thoughts on this? Perhaps it’s already possible and I’m missing something, but if not this would be a great feature to help make the MC6 Pro fully-fledged out when managing the current status of the entire pedalboard.