Emulating Strymon tap tempo on my mc8

Trying - and failing miserably - to emulate Strymon Timeline Tap tempo on my mc8.
Scoured this forum - watched every Morningstar video - read every article.

Your video simply shows - turn off Midi clock option in Timeline preset - and send CC#93 - remote tap - on a press action.
This does not work. BPM reverts to the same value of 25ms.
(I am trying to stack delays with different tempos.)

Also tried emulating the actual timeline tap switch itself on CC#81 - just kept putting the timeline in Looper mode.

Tried MIDI CLOCK & Midi Clock Tap message types with Midi Clock Menu “Mode” on MC8
Caused a problem - I inadvertently tapped “Save” - what does this actually do?
Can’t find any documentation on this?
Does it make the MC8 switch permanently send the same value?
Persisting through power ups?

Can you publish a definitive article on how to emulate remote tap on Strymon timeline with MC controller?
So many Global & Local parameters and settings on both the controller and the pedal to do such a simple thing!

Also tried using looper mode on mc8 to make switch mode sensitive.
No effect.
Is this a firmware issue on Timeline?
Bug in mc8 firmware v3.12.6A ?

Also need to emulate the HOLD Functions on Timeline and Big Sky.

CC#93 with value 127 does work exactly like tapping on the Timeline tap switch. We’ve just tested it. Is your tempo changing then reverting back to another BPM? This could be because your Timeline is receiving MIDI clock data from another source. Try tapping on the Timeline itself and see if the same problem occurs.

We explained what pressing save on the tap menu does in the timestamp here: https://youtu.be/kg9gAWZAl_I?t=181 The new BPM will be saved persist through power down/up.

Thanks for the Prompt reply Brandon.
Tapping on TIMELINE manually works OK.

I thought Midi clock was off.
If it’s still being sent - I don’t know where from.
I changed the Port settings to send Midi Clock to all connections- as recommended by Morningstar.
So do I just turn off the Midi Clock setting for all the ports?

How can I now REMOVE the persistence of the BPM Setting from the MC8 preset ?

I have turned off the MIDI CL global setting on all my pedals as well.

Is the BPM indicator on the MC8 LCD blinking? If so, then MIDI clock is being sent out. And if you are also sending CC#93 to trigger the Remote tap function, then there will be some conflict as the Timeline is receiving both MIDI clock and Remote Tap commands.

What’s your MIDI signal chain like? Could it be that MIDI clock is being generated from another device?

No BPM showing. It looks more and more like a MC8 issue.
All pedals receive PC and CC commands without issue.

ALL my Strymon pedals with tap tempo switches exhibit the same behaviour.
I am at a loss as to whether any other MIDI CLOCK is being sent by any other pedal.

MIDI. Din 5 Cables: MIDI Chain - short answer:
MC8>>Strymon Conduit>>Meris EQ2>>BigSky>>Volante>>Meris LVX>>TimeLine>>Mobius

*NOTE: Conduit also goes out via 4x TRS MIDI Ports to pedals without screens - 2x Iridiums + Compadre + Sunset
When any MDI signal is sent through it - all 4 TRS port led’s light up.

*NOTE: ALL MIDI CHANNELS have ben set to send MIDI to all outputs in the Controller Settings -
and the MC8 Controller itself has MIDI CLOCK Persist OFF, and MIDI sent to all outputs.
(Using IOS Editor on my IPAD)

NEXT STEP: take the Timeline and MC8 off the board, and connect just the two of them together.
Connect to Editor on my MAC - Try Tap Tempo preset on MC8.
and look at the MIDI Montor to see what’s happening…….

How can I now REMOVE the persistence of the BPM Setting from the MC8 preset ?

Timeline worked fine with just the MC8 when taken off my board.

It was the Strymon Conduit causing the repeated midi messages to the Timeline.
It “Merges” all MIDI messages on the four TRS Ports to the 5din MIDI OUT port - therefore sending the MIDI signal up to 5 times (or more) for each press of the MC8 switch.
So I moved it to the end of the MIDI chain as the last input without any output.

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