Double tempo sent to Meris Enzo?

Hi there, sorry if this is easy but is there a way to double or quadruple the tempo being sent to a Meris Enzo? I can’t find any note length/subdivision control for the Enzo’s arp.

Planned Setup:
DA MIDI Baby (Tap) → MC6Pro Omni 2 → Meris MIDI I/O → Meris Enzo

I also didn’t understand the MC6Pro manual (and posts) regarding the MIDI decimal function sorry. Do you just enter 4 to quadruple the bpm maybe? Waiting for the Enzo to arrive so can’t test currently.

Also, I’m planning on setting bpm via a DA MIDI Baby connected to an Omni Port - incase that matters.

Any pointers in the right direction much appreciated.

Cheers, Ben

From the manual…

In the Enzo you can set the tempo using one of the following tapping in quarter notes using the integrated Tap switch,
External Tap switch, MIDI Beat Clock, Tempo MIDI CC, or Tap Switch MIDI CC.

CC# 15 tempo (10 msec intervals) 0 to 120

CC# 28 tap 127 = tap press

I always just used tap to sync up with my delays.
Depending how complex your setup is, there may be better options.

Seems like you have read this. I have never used the decimal function.
Since you use the Meris midi box, consider using din midi…from the Morningstar instructions.

MIDI Clock


Sends a Midi Clock signal to out from USB and 5 Pin Midi. Syncs your Midi Clock enabled devices to a common BPM.

You can set the tempo in the parameters, and then choose if you want the device to show the tap menu.

The BPM Decimal parameter allows you to send .00 .25 .50 or .75 BPM.

If Show Tap Menu is selected, your Morningstar MIDI controller will load the tap tempo screen when the preset is activated, showing either the selected BPM, or the current BPM if the Use Current BPM Setting is

@TonyS Thanks Tony but I’m a bit confused sorry.

The Enzo arp is locked at quarter notes (mind-numbingly stupid IMO) so I’m trying to double or quadruple the tempo (Tap or MIDI) to get 8th or 16th notes like a normal arp - I have four other time-based pedals that need the normal tempo though.

Can the MC6 Pro double or quadruple the tempo for a particular MIDI channel?

Or is there an easier or different way of doing this?

I’ve tried almost every pedal that claims to have a guitar arpeggiator function but the Enzo is the best, despite the obvious headache.

Cheers, Ben

You will have to experiment. You can tap CC# 28 at a faster rate just to the Enzo or send it CC# 15 tempo.(+value)

I’m not sure what BPM decimal will do. Increase speed i’m guessing. Maybe divisions?
It seems like the Enzo can sync to an external clock also.

Download Elliot G’s editor for the Enzo. Its a editor/librarian.
It makes it easier to understand and you can create and backup different sounds.