I’m trieng to do that and it says: “no tuner data” on the screen of the mc6 pro.
Can any one help me ?
Didn’t find any other cases on the internet.
I’m trieng to do that and it says: “no tuner data” on the screen of the mc6 pro.
Can any one help me ?
Didn’t find any other cases on the internet.
The editor must be disconnected.
hello ,
what do you mean by that ?
It heppaned when to mc6 pro already dose not connected to the computer.
It could be the reason but finally not.
Did you figure this out? Here’s what Ive found (I can make it work if I add a USB Midi Box (Im using MidiPlus TBox 2x2)
Something is not working correctly when connect the MC6Pro directly to Kemper Player via usb…
Currently the Kemper Tuner function is programmed to work with the DIN MIDI ports only. We can add the USB function in - if you can give the test firmware a go, please let me know.
Sure I can test beta firmware… Send my way when you have it.
Also is there any way to receive sysex responses… ie: to get patch names from Kemper?
I wuld likw to test it also.
and also what about what joe said on the patch names from Kemper? it is possiable to ?
Here’s the firmware which allows for USB MIDI in the Kemper Tuner message type:
2025-02-03_MC6_PRO_Firmware_v_3_13_0_BETA_Kemper_Tuner_USB_MIDI.hex (1.3 MB)
We’ve looked into this in the past and there currently isn’t any plans to implement this.
Tuner Via USB on Kemper Player appears to be working well. I will test Kemper Stage later.
Card has been moved from Selected to QA
URL: Kemper tuner from USB Host port on the Kemper