Digitakt Pattern Selection

Struggling to find anything online or in the Digitakt manual on this … has anyone figured out midi command to select bank and / or pattern change on the Digitakt?

I am struggling with this as well. Have you found any solutions?

i need to get my head down on solving this. please feel free to correct anything i’ve got wrong here.

I understand that each Program Change message corresponds to a pattern on the digitakt (PC:0 = digitakt pattern A01 , PC:1 = A02, PC:15 = B01 ?).

you can set the morningstar to send a specific PC message to load a given pattern. either on button press or bank shift. for example, you shift to Bank 2 on the morningstar, it sends PC:15 and the digitakt loads the pattern saved to B01

what i have not yet worked out is how to get the morningstar to recognise what the last PC message sent out was so that it can then use the NumberScroll function to move between patterns.

surely this is possible?