Current state of the experimental / sample / loop board

the mc6 is also used to control loopypro on an ipad, some racks in ableton and a small amount of hydrasynth stuff. a friend was doing a pedal purge so I picked up a habit, microcosm and nightsky a couple weeks ago. while programming the mc6 for them i realized i need SO MANY MORE scroll counters or some other method of stepping through expression inputs.

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for your usecase I’d go with ‘message scroll’ instead of scroll counters.
You could scroll through 32 messages in custom sequences that way.

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Just looked that up and it’s WAY better than using up all the scroll counters for this, thanks!

offtopic, but on topic w your board…what are you doing with the hydrasynth and the morningstar? I’d love to somehow incorporate my synth to be controlled with the footpedals.

Nice rig! I’m curious how you use the Nightsky and MercuryX together. Does each do something the other doesn’t?

Actually was just pedal sitting the nightsky for a friend until it sold. I like to have a reverb on my guitar feeding into the rest of the pedals and use the MX as an overall reverb/effect at the end. I run drums, guitar and synth through this board and I swap pedals around/out fairly often. that said, cant really think of anything the nightsky does that the MX couldn’t do with a bit of programming. it is nice to have basically knob per function vs menu diving so it was good for instant changes via one hand while playing.