Copy multiple messages from one preset to another

Hey there!

Is there a way to copy multiple messages from one preset and paste them in another preset without copying the whole preset? Let’s say I only want msg 3,4,5 from preset A and I want to paste only those on preset E…

Yes, that is possible.

  1. Enable the “Copy Multiple Messages” feature in the Preset page:

Now, each time you click on “Copy” for each message, it gets added into a buffer.

  1. Copy the messages you want, for example, click copy on Msg3,4 and 5.

  2. Paste the copied messages by clicking on the “Paste” button on the message you want to paste to. If you have copied Msg 3,4,5, clicking on Paste on Msg8, will fill up Msg8,9,10 with the copied messages.


Exactly what I need!!!
Thank you so much!

That’s very cool. And it would be cool to have that option for the bank preset also. Maybe in a later firmware?

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Yes, it’s just an editor update so we can add that in the near future.

Are you still planning on adding the copy/paste multiple messages in the bank editing section? It would be very useful.